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Showing posts from March, 2018

The Certification to Look for When Buying Farmed Salmon

Many people worldwide have discovered just how delicious and healthful farmed salmon can be. In addition to being full of nutrition and substances that support human health, salmon is an especially rich and flavorful source of protein. Salmon can also be raised in ways that makes it an especially responsible choice in environmental terms. As a visit to will reveal, salmon producers worldwide have come together to coordinate their related efforts. Seeking out salmon that bears a certification from the Aquatic Stewardship Council, or ASC, is an excellent way for consumers to be sure of supporting this important shared commitment. A Comprehensive Collection of Salmon Farming Best Practices The ASC certification is one of the most demanding and thorough of its kind to be found anywhere in the broader industry. Producers who meet the standards must demonstrate compliance with regard to their avoidance, use...